Online Giving — Hope Church - Hillsborough

 Online Giving

We so appreciate the financial generosity of those within and those connected to our fellowship. Those gifts enable us to continue doing all that we do in supporting ministry within the church, supporting missions both locally and abroad and for us to be able to contribute to those in need.

The most efficient and helpful way to give is by standing order or bank transfer. Please see below the details of how to do that.

Account Name: Hope Church
Sort Code: 95-03-61
Acc No: 02773538
For the payment refernce use your initial of your firstname, your surname, and envelope number (if you have one as the reference). E.g. B_Small_0990 (if you have enevelopes) or B_Small (if you don't have envelopes)

You can also give one-off and setup regular donations using the Givt platform:


Other ways you can give:

Cheques (posted to the church address)
Hope Church,
85 Moira Road, Hillsborough, Co.Antrim, Northern Ireland, BT26 6DX
